Shimmer and Shine
We present you balloons, party items and decorations for a complete birthday party! But the collection does not end here ... You can "click" on the following words and go to the section you want!
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Blowouts Shimmer and Shine. A fun ''gift'' for the children who participate in the party! 9902163...
Plastic cup for snacks with Shimmer & Shine (can also be used as a pencil case, great gift). Capac..
Anagram Foil balloon Airwalker Shimmer & Shine P93 53'' X 44'' 134CM x 111CM 34082...
Plastic Shimmer and Shine gift bags for children's parties! 23,4cm x 16,2cm. 8pieces...
Letter banner ''Happy Birthday'' with Shimmer and Shine. 15cm x 200cm. 9902159...
Paper cups 250ml new purple dots. 8pieces. 999321...
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Paper Straws dots and chevron new purple. 24pieces...